How To Jailbreak 2.0.1 iPhone + 3G & iPod Touch

Ihaveasecond-generationiPodTouch(MBmodel)thatIdowngradedtoiPhoneOS2.1.1,andIwanttoinstallsomeoldappscompatiblewith ...,ItwilljailbreakyourToucheasily.Orifyoudon'twanttomesswithLinux,youmaytryusesn0wbreezetocreateacustomiPSWforyourTouch,thenrestor...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[question] Sideloading or jailbreaking iPhone OS 2.1.1 on an iPod ...

I have a second-generation iPod Touch (MB model) that I downgraded to iPhone OS 2.1.1, and I want to install some old apps compatible with ...

iOS 2.1.1 Jailbreak (iPod Touch 2nd Gen) : rLegacyJailbreak

It will jailbreak your Touch easily. Or if you don't want to mess with Linux, you may try use sn0wbreeze to create a custom iPSW for your Touch, then restore ...

iPod Touch 2nd Gen (8GB MC Model) Jailbreak Tutorial ...

This video will show you how to jailbreak a 2nd generation iPod Touch MC model in 2022. If you have any questions or problems, ...


Tethered for devices running the old bootrom only. Will not work for devices on the new bootrom (new bootrom devices cannot run iPhoneOS 2, only 3).

Jailbreak Your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad Using Sn0wbreeze 2.1

Written tutorial and download link: In this video I give a full tutorial on how to ...

Jailbreak iPod Touch 2.1 Free Download

The download we have available for Jailbreak iPod Touch has a file size of 2.1 MB. Just click the green Download button above to start the ...

Jailbreak Your iPod Touch 2.1 Firmware Now

Using QuickPWN for Windows, you can now follow about 13 not-too-tough steps to be on the leading edge of the iPod touch 2.1 jailbreak curve, if that's.

How to Jailbreak Ipod touch 2g 2.2.1

hi everyone this is a guide on how to jailbreak your ipod touch with Redsn0w Step 1: download Redsn0w from this link ...

Jailbreaking with 2.1 on 1st Gen iPod Touch???

I found a way to restore to 2.1 from 1.1.5. Download the 2.1FW and go into your itunes restore folder, I think it's in c/documents and ...

iPod Touch 第二代(2G) JailBreak 4.2.1 完美破解版 ...

1.1.) 開啟iTunes 並將手上的iPod Touch 連接至電腦. 1.2.) iTunes 認出主機後, 使用滑鼠右按Back Up. 1.3.) 備份資料需時, 請等侍iTunes 回應. ... 建議完成備份才繼續本篇 ...


Ihaveasecond-generationiPodTouch(MBmodel)thatIdowngradedtoiPhoneOS2.1.1,andIwanttoinstallsomeoldappscompatiblewith ...,ItwilljailbreakyourToucheasily.Orifyoudon'twanttomesswithLinux,youmaytryusesn0wbreezetocreateacustomiPSWforyourTouch,thenrestore ...,Thisvideowillshowyouhowtojailbreaka2ndgenerationiPodTouchMCmodelin2022.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorproblems, ...,Tetheredfordevicesrunningtheoldbootr...